Our Vision

For Takumi Finch, facial beauty is the highest expression of health. Because with optimal health, the individual radiates physically and internally. The method developed by Takumi Finch, allows the body and mind to regain balance. This method uses the principles and gestures of kobido as a basis for massage. Finally, the gestures are extended on these Japanese bases in order to build a methodology and therapy of deep well-being.

Comfort health

Our vision is to establish comfort health, which would take on the values of wellness therapy and deep relaxation. The goal of our centre training Takumi Finch is to:

  • Combining Japanese healing arts and Western physiology
  • To combine the idea of relaxation, pain relief and health acts, and not to oppose them anymore
  • Giving the person back some control over their care and health

Wouldn't it be more ingenious to combine Eastern and Western techniques and angles of intervention instead of opposing, comparing and denigrating them? Don't they give options to people who feel abandoned by their doctors?

In our modern times, we need relaxation techniques as much as medical manipulations. Our vision is that the healing hand can be benevolent and patient. And the hand that relaxes can be effective.

It is more and more admitted that our daily ills have a large somatic component and are aggravated by our environment and lifestyle. If there is a hint of truth in these observations, then perhaps the person could learn to listen to himself, and be aware of an imbalance, and moreover, become aware of the axes of healing that would suit him.

Kobido face massage with fingers in v Kobido training in Paris, Geneva, Bordeaux module 1

Our specialty:
Japanese facial massage

Why did we choose this specialty?

"To practice the ancestral Japanese face massage, it is the search for exactitude, it is to have the will to be with the listening of the person and to be sensitive to the human vulnerability".


Often the words "ancestral" and "art" are imbued with mystery and play more on the imagination and romanticism of the general public than to refer to very pragmatic notions. In a more pragmatic context, here is the importance that Master Takumi Finch gives to this word:
The ancestrality of a technique gives it a significant weight by granting it a validity, a credibility. Indeed, the arts of massage in Japan have survived the test of time. This technique has endured over time despite the advancement of all other techniques and discoveries. I will tell you the history of Japanese face massage in another detailed article.

A lineage that guarantees quality

When we say that this art has come down to us through a line of masters, it implies that each master has spent his career refining each move, studying its benefits and seeking to improve them. He has also had a personal responsibility to evolve the art. He must have an innovative approach, or participate in the advancement of this technique, whether it is through a particular research on a theme, an evolution of the gestures, an opening towards the international, a commercial advance, the creation of a lexicon or an encyclopedia of gestures, or the creation of a learning method. Again, I will tell you the story of this massage in another article. Unfortunately nowadays, due to the success of this massage, there is a race to train, which plays on the public's infatuation and focuses on the commercial objective.

Our organization:

Institut Takumi Finch is a centre of formation declared to the Region of New Aquitaine under the number 75331152133.

The "Takumi Finch" website is named after Sandrine Takumi Finch so that there will be no confusion for the general public.

The trainings are delivered by the centre of training "Institut Takumi Finch" of which Sandrine Takumi Finch is the director.